Cognitive Defense Against Massive Information Threats—Our Near Futures
Date: 28 October 2021
Speaker(s): Singer, P. W. (Strategist & Senior Fellow, New America); Wright, N. (Consultant, Intelligent Biology)
Innovation With Allies Now—The US, UK, and Forging a Technological Edge
Date: 8 July 2021
Speaker(s): Langevin, J. (Democrat, Rhode Island, US Congress); Gallagher, M. (Republican, Wisconsin, US Congress); Onwurah, C. (Labour Party, Member of Parliament and Shadow Minister for Digital and Business, UK); Willetts, D. (Conservative Party, Member of the House of Lords, Former Minister for Universities and Science, UK)
Moderator: Wright, N. (Intelligent Biology, University College London, and Georgetown University)
Deepfakes: The National Security Threat in Context
Date: 7 April 2021
Speaker(s): Bateman, J. (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace’s Cyber Policy Initiative); Hwang, T. (Georgetown University’s Center for Security and Emerging Technology (CSET)); Wright, N. (Intelligent Biology, Georgetown University Medical Center, University College London, and New America)
Beyond Decoupling: Biological Tech, Innovation, and Global Rivalry
Date: 2 March 2021
Speakers: DiEuliis, D. (National Defense University); Giordano, J. (Georgetown University, US Naval War College); Wright, N. (Georgetown University, University College London, and New America)
A Full-Spectrum Response to Sharp Power: the Vulnerabilities and Strength of Open Societies
Date: 18 June 2021
Speakers: Rolland, N. (National Bureau of Asian Research); Lucas, E. (Centre for European Policy Analysis); Wright, N. (Intelligent Biology)
Fresh Options to Reinvigorate Defense Innovation for the World as It Is Now
Date: 3 February 2021
Speakers: Brown, M. (Director, Defense Innovation Unit, Former CEO of Symantec Corporation); Hunt, C. (US Army, Retired); Lewis, J. (Senior Vice President and Director, Strategic Technologies Program, CSIS); Mulgan, G. (University College, London, [UCL]; Former Chief Executive of Nesta, the UK’s innovation foundation); Wright, N. (Intelligent Biology, Georgetown University, UCL, and New America)
Artificial Intelligence, COVID, and Global Democratic-authoritarian Competition
Date: 10 November 2020
Speakers: Chen Weiss, J. (Cornell University); Feldstein, S. (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace); Nemitz, P. (Directorate General for Justice and Consumers at the European Commission); Wright, N. (Georgetown University)
Mapping a Pandemic: Coronavirus, the Future of Surveillance and the Liberal State
Date: 30 April 2020
Speakers: Braw, E. (RUSI); Kaushal, S. (Sea Power); Wright, N. (University College London)
SMA UK MoD Speaker Series (2020) “COVID in a World Where Power Is Ending: A Conversation with Dr. Moisés Naím”
SMA UK MoD Speaker Series (2020) “Germany: A Focal Point of Post-COVID Global Order, but How Will It Decide?”
SMA General Speaker Series (2020) “COVID, Artificial Intelligence, and the Global Order”
SMA CENTCOM Speaker Series (2020) “SMA CENTCOM Panel Discussion on Radicalization (Part I)”
Future of Global Competition & Conflict Speaker Series (2019) “SMA’s Chinese Strategic Intentions White Paper Panel Discussion- Part II (Assessing the Durability of the Chinese Regime)”
Royal Navy, Rear Admiral Surface Ships Symposium (2019) "Grey Zone, human elements and AI"
University College, London (2018) "Cognition and policy"
Pentagon (2018) "Cognition of Influence with North Korea and East Asia"
Pentagon (2018) "AI and the global order"
Pentagon (2018) "Chinese perspectives on space"
Pentagon (2018) "MINDSPACE: Cognition in space operations"
Pentagon Joint Staff conference held at Joint Base Andrews (2018) “The cognition of human-AI teamwork”
University College London (2018) "Cognition and policy"
Norwegian Foreign Ministry event, Oslo (2017)
Peking University, Beijing (2017) “Computations of culture”
University of Birmingham (2017) “Grey Zone conflict in the Asia-Pacific”
UK Defence Science and Technology Laboratory Deterrence and Assurance Academic Alliance Workshop, held at University of Nottingham (Oct 2017) "Different minds, different strategy?"
Pentagon Joint Staff conference “From Control to Influence” held at Joint Base Andrews (2017) spoke on three of the eight panels.
U.S. Department of Defense, Grey Zone workshop, Crystal City, VA (2017)
University of Birmingham (2017) “Cross-cultural cognition”
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Security Studies Program (Nov 2016) “Beyond expectation and surprise: neural prediction error in inadvertent escalation”
Contributed to roundtable discussion with 19 US Members of US Congress, General Petraeus, Sir John Jenkins etc. (Aug 2016)
Contributed to DARPA meeting on extremism at UCLA (Aug 2016)
Lecture to the UK Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (June 2016)
Panel discussion at Scottish Parliament (2016)
Cross-Domain Deterrence meeting as part of a U.S. DoD Minerva program (2016), held at the Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, “Cognition of cross-domain deterrence”
Institut d’Études Avancées de Paris (2016) “Neuroscience at societal scale”
“Neurobiology of influence in international politics”, Geneva Centre for Security Policy (2016)
University of Birmingham (2016) “Neurobiology of loss in human choice”
Georgetown University (Nov 2015) “Checklist for Empathy”
UK Chief of Defence Staff Strategy Forum (July 2015), Oxford University, “Influence and deterrence”
China-UK Next Generation Nuclear Strategy Meeting (2015), King’s College London.
University of Birmingham, UK (2015) “The biology of negotiation in a globalised world”
Peking University, Beijing, China (2014)
China Foreign Affairs University, Beijing, China (2014)
Carnegie-Tsinghua Centre at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China (2014)
National University of Defence Technology, Changsha, China (2014)
U.S. Air Force at the Pentagon (2014)
U.S. DoD Joint Staff at the Pentagon, telecon to Strategic Command (2014)
UK MoD “Knowing your adversary” (2014)
U.S. DoD Joint Staff conference on Strategic Multilayer Assessment (2013) (Andrews Airforce Base)
Georgetown University DARPA-organised meeting on Neuroscience and Deterrence (2013)
U.S. DoD Joint Staff at the Pentagon, telecon to Strategic Command (2013) “Knowing your adversary”
Harvard University, USA (2013) “Neuroscience and international confrontations”
New York University, New York, USA (2013) "Neuroscience and the management of international confrontations”
Virginia Tech, Roanoke, USA (2013) "The neurobiology of punishment and risk in choice"
New York University, New York, USA (2013) "The neurobiology of punishment and risk in choice"
AAAS, Washington, DC, USA (2013) "Neuroscience and the management of international confrontations"
Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany (2011) “Egocentricity and the biological control of cooperation”
University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland (2011) “How to alter cooperation and reverse choice biases”
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA (2010) “The biology of social and non-social choice”
Gresham College, London, UK (2009) Introductory talk and chaired meeting “Decision making and neuroscience”
Government Statistical Service Annual Conference, held at Warwick University, UK (2008) “The new decision
“Politics and modern cognitive science” (University College, London, UK, 2018) Workshop with 20 experts.
“China's Involvement in Space Panel Discussion” (Feb 2018) Held by Pentagon Joint Staff for audiences across the U.S. Government.
“Fake News Inoculation and Enhanced Population Resilience: A UK Perspective” (July 2017) Event held by Pentagon Joint Staff. Speakers from the UK Government and academia.
“Decision-making, confidence and the unconscious 决策,信心和意识” (June 2017) Workshop with 14 leading Chinese and international speakers in neuroscience, psychology and computation held at Peking University, Beijing.
“Cognitive Aspects of Fake News Resilience and Inoculation” (June 2017) Pentagon Joint Staff event for U.S. and allied Governments’ audiences.
“Power Transition in the Asia-Pacific: managing perceptions and trust in the ‘Grey Zone’” (May 2017) Workshop at the University of Birmingham with 14 leading speakers to examine how key Asia-Pacific actors shape perceptions in the “Grey Zone” between peace and war.
"The Anatomy of an Action: self and responsibility after neuroscience" (Royal Society of Arts, London, UK, Jan 2010)
“Cognitive Neuroscience and Regulatory Paternallism: More or less?" (Royal Society of Arts, London, UK, Jan 2009)
"Does Policy need Brains?" (Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, Jan 2009) Seminar attended by leading figures from behavioural economics (Colin Camerer and Peter Bossaerts, Caltech), neuroscience (Ray Dolan, UCL), psychology (Nick Chater, UCL) and politics (Matthew Taylor and David Halpern, former senior advisors to Tony Blair).